A2 Dairy Products and All-Natural Beef
Meet The Team
Bovine and Human We're a Team Working Together to Get You the Best Foods Possible

One of the originals! Aubray came here at 1 month old and was raised by a nurse cow named Gerdie the Guernsey. I had such hopes with those first Normande calves and now here we are!
Aubray is big! She shows the true dual purpose ability of the Normande breed being both a good milk producer but built very stout and strong like a beef cow. We estimate she weighs 1600 pounds but it doesn't take much feed to keep her in good body condition. She's a big sweetheart and one of my daughters' favorites to go love on.

A daughter to Royal and it's amazing how much they look and act alike. They even hold their tail laid to the side over a pin bone the same way! She's smaller framed but quite a milk producer. She makes a sweet little humming noise when in the milk room that's easy to miss if you're not listening.

Mini Moose
Such a funny name, but it was in her registration pedigree so we had to use it! She's definitely more Moose than Mini as she's a bigger girl. She is quite impatient to get to the milk room for her milking time feed. I've seen her run down the hill to beat other cows in line and she'll threaten to swallow your hand whole while being given a treat.

Maybe one of my favorite cows for the way that she is built like a true mama- big and deep ribbed but very feminine with a pretty head. I don't like the way she sometimes swats me with her long, curly tail when in the milk room but she is a sweetheart who is happy to have her hip scratched.

Spots upon spots, she has the most beautiful coat! She first calved in 2021 and I am excited to have her as a milk cow. Another example of the great Normande disposition. I didn't get to work with her as much as I normally would when she was younger but she has been nothing but easy to train with great milk room manners. Except as a first timer, she has forgotten to report for duty a few times and made me take a short walk to find her.

They are all sweet, but Crivette will let you walk up and cradle her head and give her a big hug. Another one that likes to be at the front of the milk line and will beg for more treats before reluctantly exiting the milk room. She gave me a beautiful bull calf in the fall of 2020 that is really growing nicely and should make a great herd bull. She has a funny flinch when touched near her flank when milking that made me nervous at first but she has never once offered to kick and I just ignore it now.

June Bug
Daugher of Mae and mother of Julio. What a gem! She calved in February on a morning that was -25 degrees and ended up with touches of frostbite on her rear teats. Not a good start for a first time milker! She was so well behaved while her teats healed and has turned out to be a perfectly good natured girl.
I came home one day, left the trailer gate open while unloading something and came back to find June had loaded herself in.