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The Full Story

The Hampshire family raises cattle and kids on their ranch near Leiter, Wy where Clear Creek twists and turns through irrigated hay meadows and native grass pastures for grazing cattle stretch beyond.  


The land the family and livestock utilize are where Christine and Shane both grew up and now their 4 children are the 5th generation to be raised with agriculture roots.  


We try to hang onto valuable lessons learned doing things the “good old ways” from our parents and grandparents while striving to always learn and utilize new information and resources available.

Why We Do It...


Our goals are to keep our endeavors growing and prosperous for future generations while currently focusing on the best stewardship possible of healthy animals leading to wholesome and delicious food for you and your family.

We take it seriously that the livestock entrusted to us rely on our efforts for their well being and also that you are trusting us with your mealtime enjoyment & memories and your health.  


We believe good health and quality of life begin with good nutrition.  


“Let Food be thy Medicine”


The cattle on a thousand hills are His.

Psalm 50:10

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